Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I'm just starting to blog

I'm sitting here at my sister's house and I've decided to start a blog about my life. As I continue to work towards my goal to be a motivational speaker I want to share my story along the way...my ups and downs, work out goals, travels and passion to speak out about the honor I've had to be an epidural stimulation recipient.

With a T5 complete spinal cord injury (paralyzed from the chest down) this procedure has allowed me to move my legs, toes and ankles and receive progress in autonomic functions.  My quest is to provide information of the research and inspire hope for others faced with spinal cord injuries.

I plan to share details about working out in a wheelchair, my progress with the research, my efforts to be a motivational speaker and other struggles faced daily by people living with disability.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to you, Dustin. To be struck by an unfortunate event like getting involved in a car accident must be really frustrating, although I can only imagine what it is you're actually going through. At any rate, seeing you push through the limits the car accident had left you in is very inspiring. I do hope you continue to update your blog, as your story purely motivates those who may need a little pick me up. Thanks for sharing that! Kudos and all the best to you! :)

    Modesto Culbertson @ DZ Law Group
