Thursday, March 12, 2015

Back to the 307

Headed back to Green River, Wyoming this afternoon. It's was a great trip visiting LA (Wings for Life & Red Bull) and stopping in to see my sister in Heber, Utah. I loved spending time on the beach and enjoying some California sunshine. Had an embarrassing moment though...while rolling along 3rd Street in Santa Monica I was crossing the crowded street with lots of other people when my wheelchair decided to dump me, face first, into the street. Middle of the crosswalk, cars waiting to go and there I sat motionless on the ground. In true LA fashion no one seemed to notice. Not that I needed the help but not one offer or a simple "are you ok?" from the crowd of people. I got back in my wheelchair as fast as I could and once I crossed the street I took a hard left to hide my embarrassment. As I rolled another 10 yards down the next street my wheelchair decided again to toss me to the ground. Now I'm just plain mad and shocked because I've been doing this now for four years so why now? This fall happened in front of a taxi line with taxi drivers outside their cars on a smoke break. They saw the action and asked if I needed help. I sat on the ground looking at my wheelchair like I was trying to adjust my tires and said "no thanks, I'm just trying to fix something." But really I was just embarrassed and trying to play cool. I got back in, wheeled away and thought sometimes it just happens. So the next time you trip and fall, twice...or get bucked out of your wheelchair just remember what Forrest Gump said "it happens."

Before I head home I'm off to the gym to work out and practice with the stimulator. 

My high school friend Tanna and her daughter Riley in Santa Monica.

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